Friday, November 12, 2010

Flash 55 - A Writer's Dilemma

~ click image to make biggerer ~

I do my best writing in the shower, 
while I am driving in heavy traffic or 
tossing clothes in the washer but 
my mind doesn’t have an automatic save feature. 
My secretary’s off duty, 
I have no pen and paper and 
the batteries in my recorder are dead 
(my voice is annoying on the replay anyway.)

Write a story in 55 words.


  1. Great Flash 55! Once again I see a reflection of myself, except that I can't drive.

  2. Fess up. You wrote this story about me, didn't you? I know you did because I recognize myself in every word!

  3. Oh yes, I recognize that feeling.;)

  4. My voice is annoying on the tape recorder too but I don't have to listen to myself telling stories. I only have to listen to myself interviewing other people and you have no idea how annoying that can be. A little notebook for jotting down ideas helps. (I have a hundred notebooks. Pity I never seem to have one on me when lightning strikes)

  5. ISNT IT THE TRUTH! Sitting outside in the car this after noon I wrote a beautiful outline about the childrens voices at the play ground! ha totally gone by the time I have my lap top!

  6. Oh my gosh! That is so true!!!! Perfect 55!

  7. hehe...and 55 is about the limit? i deface receipts everywhere...

  8. I feel that way about my work, still trying to finish up this grant proposal, ugh,,,so I wrote a ff55er instead...

    nice 55er clever, witty


  9. It appears I stole your theme today. Sorry about that. I guess it's something we can all relate to.

  10. Then better stay in bed, hehe !

  11. Bummer no secretary. Yeah, I can't handle my voice recorded either.

  12. How many great writes are lost because of this! enjoyed it!

    Spiderman's Ride is my 55 this week.

  13. (Just a thought) You can always call yourself and leave a voice message.

    Funny 55, Nessa!

  14. We all have to have a little down time somewhere along the way. You can't constantly force it or the whole process slows down too much.

  15. I'd better send you some stationery thats waterproof!
    Vanessa Kilmer...You hardly EVER are at a loss for words.
    Loved your 55...
    Thank You so much for your weekly support and fun, You Rock The World Baby..Have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

  16. i find my recorded voice annoying as well...but still glad for my iphone...lots of ideas would indeed get lost without it..

  17. This is so true. Not the annoying voice part, but the having odd places where the muse strikes. For me it is always about 3 AM...Stupid muse and those upside down sleep habits.

  18. I completely understand. And sorry to tell you this, but it only gets worse.

  19. I actually write many of my blog posts (and emails) in my head. Fortunately they do mostly save until I can get to a keyboard.

  20. :) and besides that counting the words mentally is also a problem!
