Friday, December 21, 2012

Flash 55 - I'm Alive, You're Alive

I'm Alive, You're Alive
I survived the world’s end;
I hope you did, too, my friend.
I wish you the happiest of holidays;
I hope for lights and hearts ablaze.
I think the coming year will be grand,
I hope my prediction will stand.
I want to be extremely right.
I hope you don’t find this ditty too trite.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Flash 55 - Train of Thought

[click to make biggerer]
Train of Thought
i walked
not haphazardly
not aimlessly
but in a definite direction
unknowing of my destination
with a sense of purpose
a plodding pedestrian
upon a predestined path
to a place of possibilities
where i might discover
something new and exciting
breath-taking experiences
exhilarating beautiful sights
chance meetings
vibrant mysteries
just awaiting my
open soul

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Happy Saint Nicholas Day

Jolly Ole Elf by Vanessa V. Kilmer 20121206
gel pen on paper and "Paint"
[click to make biggerer]

Flash 55 - Wanted: Dead or Alive?

[click to make biggerer]
Wanted: Dead or Alive?
pounding blood
extravagant thoughts
tingling elbows

adding machine keys
greasy dish water
grungy underwear

bursting colored lights
thumping beats
sharp bright citrus

crusty gummed eyelids
dry tight throat
shingling skin cells

crystal blue skies
diamond cut sunshine
ruby red cheeks
sparks flying between
inquisitive minds
& questing lips


Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Boobies and Beer, Spoon Fed

The Bathers - Renoir
[click the images to make biggerer]
Quiet Vinnie and I went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art back on October 17, 2012. He knows what he likes and he likes what he knows.
 Painted Bronze - Jasper Johns
Can you see his reflection below, shaking his head, wondering what the hell I see in this painting?
Agnostic Symbol - Salvador Dali
Proof that there's truth in the adage...